Sunday, March 30, 2008

Henry Comes Back to Life

Overnight he came back to life. He is doing really well as of Saturday morning! He has a bladder of steel - didn't do any business on Friday, and Saturday he must have peed for a minute and a half straight in the morning.

He went down - and up - the stairs on his own, lured by promises of treats. He's responding to food and even stole my breaktast when I wasn't looking. A really sweet kid. He started feeling better sometime during the night and came into the bedroom. Maggie was a little more competitive with him Saturday morning, but nothing too serious.

His fur is so soft, and he wags his tail when you love on him. He also gives surprisingly slobber-free kisses. If I can't find his home (ha!) or a home for him here, my dad is going to take him (bless him!). I wish he could stay with us, though. (Maggie disagrees.)

His name is Henry. I registered him at the vet as George, a name that the vet suggested but that I was thinking, too. Then most of Friday I was thinking of him as a Dudley. Friday night, I was thinking of Barnaby, Dexter, Baxter, or Wendell - mostly Barnaby. But that's sort of poking fun at his weird look. His look is like a stuffy Englishman who's really not as dignified as he thinks he is. But this guy is too sweet to have his dignity mocked. And he's not stuffy at all. So, he's a Henry. He's just funny looking.

By the afternoon, Henry was continuing to do do better, and even exhibiting some dominant behavior. Maggie is a little afraid of him. He pushed his chest into Maggie and had that glint in his eye like he wanted a little somethin-somethin. He also did this to Marty, the little tiny rescue mix down the way. This complicates his going to my dad's. Next week he needs to get neutered. I left him alone while Maggie and I went to the park for a walk. I came back, and the wound on his ear was wide open and dripping all over my offwhite carpet. I'm not holding against him that he peed in my house, because I should have taken him out before we left (it's just that he never goes and he moves so slowly). But he almost ran to greet us when we came in and he made it down and back up the stairs without me even having to bribe him. His tail wags in a circle like a helicopter. He's learned the name I'm calling him. And he wags when I talk to him or go scratch him. Wish us luck. :-)

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