Monday, April 7, 2008

My Neurotic Basset Hound (Separation Anxiety, Dirty Old Man, and Tapeworm) and My Mom

Separation Anxiety

This morning I decided to take Maggie for a walk after I'd taken her and Henry for one. You know a longer walk, involving offleash time and throwing of the ball. I left Henry a bowl of food and thought, this may also make it easier to feed them, since he takes an hour to eat. When I came back, he had not eaten but about 1/4 inch of his food. But he had: gotten my cereal box off the counter (but not opened the bag), pulled down a bag from the counter, pulled open a bag of bread and taken a few bites, gone onto the porch and broken one pot of herbs and tipped over another.

Dirty Old Man

A few words on output (don't read these two paragraphs during lunch). Henry seems to have gotten over his creepy attachment to Maggie's pee. When we first got him, every single time she went, he would insist on getting to it, then put his nose down in it for a time, then lift up his head and move his lower jaw up and down just a little like it was quivering. They apparently trap scents in those jowls, so I guess he was remembering hers. But because dogs (at least my dogs) don't seem to be cognizant of any line between smelling and tasting, it gets a bit yucky.


Saw two 1/2 inch long white worms on Henry's poop today. Hoo-boy. Each one was larger at one end than the other. Tapeworm, the vet's receptionist says - they fit the description, and they're the only thing that would be visible in the feces.


Had to have a sonogram today to look at her liver and spleen, which may be slightly enlarged, according to the CT scan. Not a big deal, just a make-sure-nothing's-wrong kind of a test, as far as I know now. She sounds good this morning.

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