Sunday, April 13, 2008

Not All Basset

I spent the day going to Atlanta for an adoption event for Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia. I'd corresponded with them, sent pictures of Henry. We'd worked it all out. Got there, he was 2x the size of all the other dogs there. They said he wasn't all basset. He's 1/2 something else - bloodhound or coonhound. He does remind me of Whimsy. Always has. But the breeds are related, and the vet said all basset, so I believed him. And he is within the weight limit for bassets. He is just so much more muscle than they are, though. Whimsy wasn't so muscley was he? Hey that's almost a children's rhyme. So now I'm wondering what ELSE else might be in there.

Yes, he loves people, but maybe he's not separated from his home, maybe he hasn't really had one. From everyone who meets him talking about his being a stud dog since he still has all his parts to us not knowing what kind he is. Which wouldn't matter except that BHRG won't work with him since he's not all basset. That part kinda pisses me off. On their website they have a beagle/basset mix, and one of the other dogs there looked like beagle/basset, but of course they told me she was all basset. I felt like I'd gone to somebody's party in the 7th grade and the mean girls made us go home. The person in charge there (Julie) called the person I'd been talking to (Rosemary), who apparently is more in charge, and Julie told me what Rosemary said, which is that they won't work with us. At the same time Julie was delivering that news, a couple was filling out an application on Henry, so we suspended our parting of ways. In the end the couple chose another dog. I now kinda want to go get the home DNA test and prove, ha, he is TOO a basset hound, and he could take any of your wimpy basset hounds with two paws tied to his ears.

Henry wanted to hump every dog there. He made this groaning noise to get to the other dogs. And he wouldn't stop. It was traumatic for all of us. He was terrible in the car. Once I had to pull over because he launched himself onto the dashboard and rearranged the rear view mirror. At least that was not on I-85 in Atlanta. He and Maggie vied for front seat status, and I only had one seatbelt (must remedy that). You can tell him (or Maggie this time), get in the back, or no, or yell at him. It's like he doesn't hear at all!

Sorry. I'm a little scattered. Going to bed now. Keep wishing us luck!

BHRG had the nerve to recommend the Bloodhound Rescue of the Southeast (BRSE) - apparently they're less breedist? I dunno. We'll see.

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

Megan said...

This is all starting to remind me of Harlan Pepper and his bloodhound, Hubert, from "Best in Show."

I think it may be time for Henry to get the old snip, and then perhaps Obedience 101, in your spare time. ;-)

Ah, misbehaving dogs--gotta love them!