Thursday, April 10, 2008

Root Canals Suck! And Migraine Pain Relief Tips

Read this Bit Only if You Can Handle It

Okay, perhaps they're better than they used to be. And apparently I had an unusual case. But it was really bad. 3 times after they had numbed me it was in pain - once when they were way up in the root of my tooth. God, that was nasty. The pain that I had till December stopped because the tooth was dying and the pain fibers along with it. Then the pain sprung back up again because the bacteria had bloomed and gotten into new areas. The part I can't get out of my head, that I keep reliving, is the way deep in the root shivering pain when I was supposed to be numb.

Safe for All Audiences

My tooth and mouth are sore, in spite of so much anesthetic that my nose and the very top of my cheek are numb. Nothing crunchy on that side for 3 months till the bone regrows, the tooth heals a bit, and I go back for part 2 (fill in of root with rubbery stuff that will not allow in bacteria) and then to my dentist for a crown (which till now was worst dental procedure I'd ever had).

Henry, Dad, and Going Back to Work

The friend from work who drove me to and from came in to say hi to the dogs after the procedure. Henry was so excited he went into my room and started barking up a storm. He does that when he gets really excited, but then he stops really quickly when I tell him to. Dad is coming up for the night, which I really appreciate. May or may not be back at work tomorrow.

Great for Migraines or Any Serious Pain

The endodontist told me about a great pain thing, though. Excedrin Tension. Take that 1/2 way in between doses of Aleve (or ibuprofen) - apparently really great pain relief. People in pain centers are studying why this works so well, because on paper "it shouldn't". This guy's wife has migraines and it's great for her. So Meg, something to think about. Also take Excedrin Tension and ibuprofen or Aleve when first know a migraine is coming on and it will stop it. Also ibuprofen and Aleve bolster the effect of the antibiotic.

Anyway. That's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are sick, all the men are trying to figure out how to take care of them, and all the dogs are neurotic.

1 comment:

Megan said...

"where all the women are sick, all the men are trying to figure out how to take care of them, and all the dogs are neurotic"--sounds like NYC --or at least my life this winter too!!

Thanks for the Excedrin tip--I'll have to get me some of that.

Sounds (from the pee post) that poor old Henry had very little in the way of training in his former life. Maybe he was not taken for regular walks and doesn't know how to hold it? I would also bet that he's still fairly nervous and unsure of his situation. Until he gets more used to it, you may need to pull up the water dish (or at least just leave less in it since I guess Maggie needs to drink too!). Don't you wish they could talk to each other? Maggie could fill Henry in on what he needs to do.

Could you keep Henry on an extendi-leash while Maggie is off-leash catching a ball?