Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sick Mom, Cut up Ears, Bathroom Trauma

The Most Important Thing

Mom is really sick, so I'm off to Macon. She's in the hospital, and I'm confident they will get her better. Here's what I can share about Henry...

My Traumatized Little (ok, Big) Long Dog

Here are also some pics of the ends of Henry's ears, which are so torn up from his life experiences.

And it's hard to get a pic that shows how skinny he is - he won't hold a pose like I'd like him to.

The people who came to see Henry last night are not the right fit. They are looking for a smaller dog. They look and seem like a really nice couple but they have a couple of stories to tell that are horrifying. The worst is this: they don't use collars on their dogs ever (as if my having a collar on Maggie or Henry were a problem! - I walk them with leashes attached to harnesses) because they had an experience where they had a lab who stayed during the day outside on a "run". This means a cable attached to another cable that let him run a certain length in the yard. He chewed that one up or otherwise broke it, so they put him on the run in the other yard (front or back, whatever). Apparently he didn't know his boundaries on that run (that's what they said), though it was the same length as the other one. He must have been chasing something because they found him with his neck broken and his body hurtling forward. Can you believe that story?! The dashchund chewed through an extension cord and made her lip go limp.

OK, Henry had to be put in the bathroom yesterday so work could be done on the apt (all apts in my building were having sprinkler repair - pets had to be in bathrooms or crates). Came home to the most traumatized dog you ever saw. Hang-dog, despondent, had a pee accident early in the time he was in there (a pretty big bathroom - the size of mine in NY, Meg's and Colette's all put together - well, not with tub space of all of us, but big), and got up on the counter, into the medicine chest (above the sink), and got down the Crest Whitestrips and other things. Apparently, this breed does not do well in confined spaces. Here are some pics of his mirror work - there were also tiny drops of blood on the counter - from his nails I guess.

and of course:

Had to put him back in after letting him out and cleaning up. Sprinkler testing still not done. Put dinner in with him - he wouldn't eat - poor dear.

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm trying not to laugh at the image of a basset hound climbing up on to the counter and getting into toothpaste. Poor Henry.

I hope Mom is okay--keep us posted.